At we take your privacy seriously. Your personal information is used to process your order and ship it and that is all. We do not share or sell your information with anyone.
What Information is Collected?
When you order from our site your name, address, phone number,email address and the items you are purchasing will be collected in our shopping cart. The last page of our ordering process is SSL protected and encrypted. It is on this page that your credit card and other payment information is collected. This will either be a page on Authorizenet which is our credit card processor or Paypal which is an alternative payment method. Both are secure. On these pages you will notice that the beginning of the web address shows “https” meaning it is a secure page.
How is this Information used by our Company?
Your personal information which includes your name, address, phone number, email and the items you are ordering are only used to process and ship your order. It is also used in the event we need to contact you by phone or email. We do not give this information to anyone else. We do not sell or give your email to anyone nor do we use it to market additional products to you. Your information is used only in our customer service process. No credit card or paypal information is kept at our location or on our servers.
How we transfer your information to our credit card processor.
When you make a payment, you are first taken to a secure page that is on the server of either Authorizenet (credit card payment processor) or Paypal (payment processor). No credit card information is transferred from our site to either Authorizenet or Paypal. This information is entered directly on their site. This eliminates any risk of your personal payment information being compromised. Your basic information which includes your name, address, phone number and email address is transferred via the internet.
How to modify or delete this personal information or opt out.
Our site does not require registration, therefore there is no need to opt out, modify or delete your information with us. The only information that we keep is the actual order information which is kept for basic record keeping purposes. This is not kept in an electronic format.
Third Party Advertising
Google, one of our third-party advertisers, may add a cookie to determine targeted advertisements based on your preferences and your visit to our site and other sites on the internet. You can choose to opt out of Googles use of cookies by visiting the Google ad and content network privacy policy.
If you have any questions about our privacy policy you can contact Steve Cole at 850-934-3157 or email me at