Welcome to our guide on how to start a vinyl graphics sign shop. Sign Making is a very profitable and stable business. As part of the ever expanding multi-billion dollar graphics industry it offers great opportunity for profit and growth. You can start small and grow your graphics business to any size you desire. You can market your company locally or nationwide via the internet. There is no limit to how much you can make and the satisfaction of owning your own sign shop is priceless. The number of products you can produce and sell in this industry is staggering. You can manufacture and sell everything from full color posters to banners to billboards and everything in between. All a basic shop needs is a sign plotter, a computer, some vector graphics, some substrates (banners, blanks, etc..) and a place to work.
Many people looking to get into the sign business make the mistake of thinking that sign making and graphic arts is too complicated for them and will take too long to learn. Nothing could be further from the truth. In as little as an hour after you get your equipment set up you can be creating signs.
My 12 year old son learned in 30 minutes and made over $200 from one customer for some roadside signs and over $100 from a veterinarian for a window sign. Each job took less than an hour to complete.
The purpose of this website is to walk you through the process of starting your own sign shop and help you learn how to make and market your signs and graphics. The possibilities are endless. All it takes is some startup capital, some motivation and a little imagination.
For articles on “How to Start and Operate your Sign Shop” CLICK HERE
To see our “Sign/Vinyl Cutter” reviews CLICK HERE
To see our “Printer/Cutter” reviews CLICK HERE
To see our reviews on “Flatbed Printers” CLICK HERE
To see our “Free Vector Art” CLICK HERE